Mid-Maine Youuth trip to Guatemala

MidMaine YoUUth program to Safe Passage in July 2017

MidMaine YoUUth program to Safe Passage (July 2017)

YoUUth from the UU Churches in Ellsworth,
Rockland, Bangor and Belfast!

Nolan Dickens, Rev Sara Hayman, Iris Aripotch,
Eryn Colson, and Kate Brenner-Simpson 

Youth from four area UU churches (Ellsworth, Rockland, Bangor,and Belfast)  traveled to volunteer with Safe Passage/Camino Seguro in Guatemala City.

This non-profit program, Safe Passage/Camino Seguro, in Guatemala City helps children in Guatemala City break the cycle of poverty through education. It is a transformational experience for our UU youth and we are grateful for your support!