Children and Youth Religious Education Program

Our Religious Education Program helps children and youth develop a world view that will support and provide an ultimate context for their lives. It encourages a sense of awe and reverence and it helps them develop positive values for living and offers them a grounding in Unitarian Universalism.

Our approach is liberal and expansive – encouraging the deepening of the spirit and the growth of human understanding and healthy commitment. We teach them how to think about religion, not what to think about it. Our religious tradition draws from many sources: wisdom from the world’s religions, Jewish and Christian teachings, Humanist teachings, Earth-centered traditions, and the deeds and words of prophetic women and men from all cultures and all times. Our RE Program reflects these diverse sources.

Children and youth learn to respect themselves and the diversity of other human beings, to consider the relevance of the teachings of many varying religious traditions, to reflect upon the wonders of the world in which we live, and to develop their own sense of spirituality.

Our program offers a balance of experiences and opportunities that integrate education, ritual, philosophical discussion, and fun in a nurturing and caring environment.  

For this month’s calendar,  please see the Lifespan Religious Education column in the most recent NUUS newsletter.