Rev. Sara Hayman

Rev. Sara Hayman has been affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ellsworth since 2007 while she was serving as a hospice chaplain in Hancock County.  “As an affiliated community minister, I was connected to this congregation, but my ministry was focused on the larger community as a hospice chaplain”, she explains. In August of 2011, she transitioned into parish ministry and began serving our congregation as its part-time minister and, then in 2015, became our full-time minister. 

Since joining UUCE as our full time minister, Rev. Sara shares that has enjoyed being a part of a religious community of people who witness to each other’s lives: to the sorrows and joys, to the questioning and searching for meaning, and, finally, to the insight and wisdom about those things most important in our lives — love, compassion and kindness.

She is glad to be part of a congregation that wants all children to grow up surrounded by adults who celebrate them exactly as they are, and encourage them to be curious explorers of their worlds, and to articulate what they believe.

Rev. Sara believes that it is important that the UU Church of Ellsworth is a welcoming congregation. This means that people of any sexual orientation or gender identity are welcome. This is important in a world that often discriminates against and dismisses people who are different. In her own words, “I am proud to be part of a faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism, that stands on the side of love and acts on behalf of justice, equality, and care and compassion for all”.

View Rev. Sara’s Ministry Matters Videos
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